by Stephen Briggs and Terry Pratchett
Fed up with Hamlet, Macbeth and similar? The Bard’s tragedies provided a wealth of inspiration for Terry Pratchett's quirky Discworld novels tht have become hugely popular. See three witches rescuing a royal baby, dealing with the request of a dead king’s ghost, unmasking his murderer – all without meddling in politics, of course - and see what happens when a fool falls in love with a witch. A twisted plot, numerous parallels to Shakespeare and funny dialogues have made the novel a great popular favourite. Now you can see it come to life on stage!
Performances were from January 31 to February 2 , 2007, 7.30 pm every night.at SG-Aula as usual, Geibelstr. 41, Duisburg-Neudorf
When shall we three meet again......

The Vitollers come in useful.

And there it is...!.

Invocation of a spirit!

Spirit has things to say!

Duke Felmet and wife..

"And then what happened?"


Wyrd Sisters
von Stephen Briggs und Terry Pratchett
Drei Hexen haben mächtig viel zu tun: Erst spielt das Schicksal ihnen ein königliches Baby in die Hände, dessen Leben sie beschützen sollen. Dann erscheint der Geist des ermordeten Königs und will gerächt werden. Und obendrein müssen die drei Hexen noch verhindern, dass der mörderische Fürst Felmet das Theater für Propagandazwecke ausnutzt, um die Mordtat zu verschleiern und das Land gegen die Hexen aufzuhetzen. Bei soviel Action bleibt kaum Zeit zum Luftholen – und dennoch bohrt sich Amors Liebespfeil geradewegs in das Herz des Hofnarren. Der Weg zum glücklichen Ende schlägt viele Haken... Shakespeare lieferte mit seinen Tragödien eine Steilvorlage für die schnurrige Fantasy-Komödie des Kult-Autors Terry Pratchett.
Press Cuttings / Aus der Presse
Audience Feedback
Granny scares the soldiers.

Ready to go!

"We've kissed for fifteen years!"

"... You've come too far!"

Magrat and Fool. "Who's invited?".

The extra witches are here.

"I never shipwrecked anybody!"

"Oh yes, gag them as well."

"...and call'st me forth for vengeance..."

A blade's width...

"You killed the king!"

"You swore loyalty!"

Felmet stabs himself

"My worst!"

"She does go on, don't she."

Tomjohn is crowned.

"You haven't got much choice!"

On the coronation mug, - that's not a good likeness.

Curtain call!

Last updated July 17, 2024
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