Audience Feedback / Reaktionen

Great show, well done folks.
Sebastian G.
9 February 22:41
"I watched yesterday’s show and it was SO GOOD! Really funny play with really great actors & singers! The speaking styles and dialects were awesome, the funny sound effects were spot-on, the scenery was
gorgeous made, and the costumes were just dreamy! I also liked the interactive part, for making the audience feel like a part of the whole story! Thanks for the great evening! I just can recommend the show for everybody, who hasn't seen it yet! A wonderful piece of work that eases the mind!"
Kate-Lynn A.
10 February 00:50
A very good performance.
Uwe L.
Best performance by DUET I've seen so far. Thank you so much!
Volodymyr V.
11 February 01:52
Great stuff! I wish I could see it again. Some moments were so good, that makes it so emotional to watch.
Stephan B. 1
1 Feb 2017 8:45
It was great! Thank you so much for this impressing and funny evening.
Sylvia B.
11 February
Tolle Veranstaltung!
Manfred F.
12 February 2017
In der Tat, hat Spaß gemacht, und die Darsteller alle sehr gut!!!!
Jürgen Sch.
12 February 2017
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