from the police court, told by the arrested suspect himself. Tajomaru "explains"...

by Fay and Michael Kanin
Japan, a thousand years ago. A samurai
is dead. His wife has been raped. A bandit
is arrested and proudly confesses to the
deed. But the wife's story is different,
and that of the samurai himself,
speaking from the realm of the dead,
is different again.
Who has been lying, and why?
Japanese film director Akira Kurosawa
skillfully merged two tales by Ryunosuke
Akutagawa for his famous film "Rashomon".
The play we perform is based on this script
which was congenially rewritten for the
stage by the Kanins.
Performed Jan 24, 25, 26 and 27,
2006 in Aula Geibelstr. at 19.30

Curtain call!

Last updated July 29, 2024
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