Performances were Jan 29th, 30th, 31st , 2025 at 7.30 pm. Additionally February 1st (Saturday matinee!) at 5.30 pm.
SG-Aula, Geibelstr. 41, 47057 Duisburg-Neudorf.
Tickets in aid of the theatre: 6,50 €,
(reduced rate for students, pensioners,
the unemployed, the disabled 3,50 €)

TIME setting the hourglass to start the tale.

Hermione is expecting Leontes's second child. Their friend Polixenes is preparing to leave. He explains...

Leontes' jealous mind sees fishy things....

by William Shakespeare
King Leontes becomes obsessed with the idea that his pregnant wife betrayed him with his best friend. So the Queen has to give birth to her baby in a prison cell, and soon she dies. Leontes sends a courtier abroad to abandon the baby to its fate. A shepherd finds baby Perdita and raises her as his daughter. 16 years later, a strange turn of events creates romance, helps to unravel the mystery and restore happiness. Yes, really!
König Leontes verrennt sich in den Gedanken, seine schwangere Frau hätte ihn mit seinem besten Freund betrogen. Das Baby wird deshalb im Kerker geboren, die Königin stirbt, und das Kind wird im Ausland hilflos ausgesetzt. Ein Schäfer findet Perdita und zieht sie groß. 16 Jahre später geschehen unerwartete Dinge um Liebe und Vergeltung, die den Knoten sprengen, ein Geheimnis lüften und das Glück zurückbringen…. Echt jetzt!

Last updated February 14th, 2025
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