Audience Feedback / Reaktionen

30 Jan 2020
A superb performance by each and every one of you, last night. It's been such a pleasure watching you guys playing. Thanks for the great entertainment. CU next year!
Mariusz Wi on Facebook
Sensationell gut - so betitelte die RP in ihrem Artikel zur Premiere das Stück. Dem kann ich mich nur 100% anschließen. Eine tolle Kombination vonUnterhaltung und Tiefgang, alles ganz professionell präsentiert mit sehr viel Herzblut. Ein sehr toller englischer Theaterabend, den ich so schnell nicht vergesse. Es war mein erster Besuch bei DUET, aber ganz sicher nicht der letzte! Ich freue mich schon jetzt aufs nächste Jahr!
Rosi B.
War eine gelungene Premiere, sah Euch gestern zum ersten Mal, mit Sicherheit demnächst aber jährlich.
Michael K.
31 Jan 2020
... we enjoyed the show massively. Tomato-sorting granny was enchanting, Constantine effortlessly convincing, the men-loathing bride (She looks like actress Alexandra Maria Lara) mind-bogglingly intense. My students (16 to 18 years old) and myself had a treat of an evening! I hope that one 16-year-old kid on my team did in fact miss that loud lady's advice part about extra deep penetration.;-) Thank you very much for a magical evening. We'll be back - since those alternating theatre clubs vs. project courses English theatre under my auspices will deserve to be spiced up with the odd pinch of English theatre from Duisburg. Looking forward to 2021 already. Regards,
Jens S.
2 Feb 2020
It was a stimulating evening... an exciting production and wonderful performances... The Group is International... working in English... with members who have different levels of theatre experience, that in itself is remarkable... in addition they set the bar really high when it comes to quality in performance... I like the elements of choreography and music which they use to good effect. The recent production, Big Love, was great. I suggest you book in time as soon as the next production is announced.
Margot E.
Fabulous show guys well done!
Sally B.
Please put me on your Mailing List! It was great, last night.....
Hendrik V.
Es war toll, toll, toll, jedes Jahr besser!
Angelika H.
6 Feb 2020
Big love hat uns begeistert......welch ein Enthusiasmus bei dieser Truppe! Die jungen Leute spielen sich die Seele aus dem Leib! Die Themen sind von höchster Aktualität und beschäftigen uns nachhaltig.
Lisa L.
Last updated February 25th, 2023
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