Audience Feedback / Reaktionen

2. 2. 1019
Same "old" sparkle & theatrical passion, different year!
great story
awesome artists
outstanding performance
being forced to wait for 12 months for the next show a year from now
Thank you very much for your fantastic work! See you next year!
Mariusz Wi (on Facebook)
2. 2. 2019
"Sitting in the train on my way home, I was thinking about what I have seen this evening and the only words that came to my mind were "Absolutely great!" and "Beautiful!". Characters, voices, costumes, decorations, lights, the story itself, perfect coordination and almost impossible commitment of so many inspired and passionate people have created such dynamics that I simply had no other choice,
but to let this wonderful comedy take me away to the journey which I enjoyed from the very beginning till its very last second. And as a big fan of DUET since quite long time, I also must admit that you, guys, have achieved a completely new level of the production quality. I am deeply impressed by your art. Thank you very much!"
Volodymyr V. (on Facebook)
3. 2. 2019
Hallo liebes DUET-Team,
es hat uns gestern wieder sehr,sehr gut gefallen. Vielen Dank für die großartige und kurzweilige Unterhaltung. Wir werden auf jeden Fall den 1. Samstag im Februar 2020 frei halten und freuen uns schon jetzt auf ein Wiedersehen. Ganz liebe Grüße
Klaus und Angelika P. und Freunde per E-mail
5. 2. 2019
Congrats guys. Great performance wonderful energy on the stage simply brilliant. I loved it.
Ramin A, (on Facebook)
Last updated February 28th, 2023
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