by Noel Coward
Paris, 1956. The famous painter Paul Sorodin has died. After the funeral his family, his art dealer and some very peculiar characters have to come to terms with each other and the part they play in Sorodin's posthumous triumph. A colossal joke for one man who laughs last...
Performances were from January 25 to 28, 2005 at, 7.30 pm every night.at SG-Aula as usual, Geibelstr. 41, Duisburg-Neudorf

Ouvertüre played live

Sébastien, Sorodin's valet, takes phone calls from people announcing their arrival, all hoping to benefit from Sorodin's will.

Jane, Sorodin's daughter, calming Friedland, his art dealer.

Opinions, right after the funeral, diverge among Colin, Jane and Isobel...
Press Cuttings / Aus der Presse
Audience Feedback

A less formal moment: "Call me Donnie!"

Colin, Sorodin's son, gets treatment from temperamental Fabrice...

Jane tells Pamela the rights of things, and she doesn't mince her words!

Who will be the next prospective heir?

Anya Pavlikova - who is she, and what claim does she argue she has got?

Chelsea - an unexpected relative who will not be ignored either!

Sébastien's very own special toast to Sorodin.

French maid has to clean up the mess!

Obadiah, from Sorodin's Jamaican phase.

But what is it that Sébastian will not talk about, even to Jane?

"I think you know more...!"

Friedland in despair - over what?
Our digital photography of 2005 was not up to scratch, so please pardon the lack of quality...

Last updated November 26, 2024
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