Audience Feedback / Reaktionen

03. 02. 2010 12:16
Liebe Frau W. & DUET,
die Vorstellung gestern Abend war klasse!
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Prof. Dr. med. Joachim F.
07.02.10 14:17
Dear all,
the performance on Friday was incredible. Congrats! It was amazing.
We enjoyed it soooooo much.
Best wishes,
Entry in our guestbook, February 07, 2010 11:41 AM
Reference ID: 1805395 From IP: [Block IP]
Marvelous play!! Brilliant job done by everyone involved! Congratulations!!
11.02.10 15:08
Needless to say (but I'll say it all the same!), the play was an unqualified success this year - though, to be honest, I can't remember when this hasn't been the case (mainly because you all put so much time and effort into producing it). Someone I know (not a colleague) even went so far as to say that it was the best play she had seen performed by DUET - and she has seen quite a few! The main acting roles were perfectly cast and the emotional force of the play came over extremely well.
Best wishes,
Alan W.
Entry in our guestbook, February 28, 2010 07:36 AM
Reference ID: 1807801 From IP: [Block IP]
Thanks for the great website. Everyone was so happy to see it.. We will come back soon. Aloha and good luck with all you are doing.
Terance Mc
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