Audience Feedback / Reaktionen

3. 2. 2012, 09:35
Das war ein starkes Stück mit eindrucksvollen Schauspielern und einer gelungenen Regie. Weiter so!
Heiner P.
01.02.2012 16:45
Congratulations! You chose a really brave and challenging play that could have turned out a disaster with the wrong actors or a director without the sensibility that is needed. Everybody did a great job and the beautiful and sad live piano music was a congenial choice
to transport emotions in a subtle way and to keep the intimacy and intensity. A "soundtrack" (especially with known songs or tracks)
might have pulled the audience out of the play. ...Thank you for the impressive and powerful performance and take care
07.02.2012 16:04
We really 'enjoyed' the play on Friday. It may have been rather depressing (and therefore not to be enjoyed) but it was very well produced and superbly acted. Secondly, I've heard at least six people (not only colleagues butothers, too) say that it was the fact that it was about Chernobyl that stopped them from wanting to go and see it. We may personally find that hard to understand but it seems that most people go and see plays to escape reality and be entertained (X factor???)
Alan W.
"highly recommend seeing this great performance! I was deeply moved.."
(Domi Nic on Facebook)
Ich war am Montag zur Premiere dort: Ich bin sehr beeindruckt – außerordentlich empfehlenswert!
Christian S. on Facebook
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