Audience Feedback / Reaktionen

19 May 2022
Dear Ms Wright and Shah and everyone… just to say again how I enjoyed your lovely poetry evening, it was indeed far more than a succession of recitations… a woven tapestry with pace, tension and flow, beautiful to look at as well as hear. I expected no less of DUET, It was worth dashing over from Krefeld after a busy day.
Thank you all.
Margot E.
20 May 2020
As I told you on Wednesday, I too thought that it was a wonderful performance, and to take up the suggestion mentioned in the review, I would also look forward to seeing Duet include further poetry shows in their repertoire.
Steve M.
What a wonderful review Rheinische Post wrote for you, but it's not surprising that he was so positive. The novel format of the performance, which may have turned out to be a mere poetry recital, made the words of the poems come alive for the audience. I hope yesterday evening's performance went well and this evening will be equally successful. All the best to you and the whole cast!
Alan W.
21 May 2022
Liebe DUETs, das war eine tolle poetry show am Freitag !!! Die Darsteller waren überaus eindrucksvoll und sehr überzeugend, die Textauswahl einfach phantastisch und der Abend sehr intensiv und für uns nachhaltig. Vielen Dank dafür !! Wir freuen uns schon sehr auf die Vorführung im nächsten Jahr und wünschen Ihnen allen bis dahin alles Liebe und Gute.
Ralf M. und Frauke W.
21 May 2022
Das sehe ich genauso. War verzaubert!
Angelika B.
25 May 2022
Another wonderful acting performance with passion and a lot of love for detail, another magical evening. This time, the duration of the performance may have been shorter than usual. But the familiar feeling afterwards "oh what a pity that it is already over!" remains the same. You guys are simply marvellous! Thank you so much and see you next time!
Mariusz W. (on Facebook)*
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